At least thirty (30) days prior to the end of your forbearance period, we will contact you to discuss your current circumstances and all resolution options that are available to you. Additional options to assist you in addressing the delinquency after the forbearance period may include:
- An Additional Forbearance: You may be able to continue the forbearance for an additional period of time.
- Repayment Plan: A repayment plan is a structured way to make up your missed mortgage loan payments over a certain period of time. These payments would be in addition to your normal monthly payment.
- Loan Modification: A modification would permanently change the terms of your mortgage to bring your account current. A modification may involve a change in your interest rate, an extension of the time for repayment, a change in the principal balance, or any/all of these options.
- Deferment: A payment deferral may bring your mortgage current and delays repayment of certain past-due monthly principal and interest payments. You will be responsible for paying the past-due amounts upon the maturity date of the mortgage or earlier upon the sale or transfer of the property, refinance of the mortgage loan, or payoff of the interest-bearing unpaid principal balance.
- Extension of the Term of Your Loan: Suspended payments from the forbearance are placed at the end of the loan in the form of additional monthly payments that will extend the current loan term and maturity date
- Reinstatement: If you are able, reinstatement is repayment of the entire amount due at once.
Selene Finance LP will work with you to evaluate your financial situation and identify the options available. Prior to the end of the forbearance period, we will contact you to discuss an affordable permanent payment arrangement and/or solution to resolve the delinquency. It is also important for you to keep in touch with us during the forbearance period so that we are aware of any additional changes in your financial condition that might occur.
Additional documentation may be required to evaluate other payment options depending on the investor or agency requirements, the total amount of missed payments, and any prior delinquency.